Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Low Energy and Fatigue

A 46 year old woman, married with one child came to me initially with general anxiety. She realised she worried about all sorts of things and mentioned she had suffered a lot of sadness around a specific event as a child (note that she did not need to explain what this event actually was – in other words, she did NOT need to revisit this in order to achieve changes).

Previously she had also experienced Chronic Fatigue Syndrome due to adrenal fatigue and was still experiencing low energy and fatigue.  Plus she had suffered several miscarriages, leaving her with only one very precious child to her marriage.  It was during her first session aimed at defusing her anxiety, that she mentioned her fear of flying – this fear she attributed to a fear of dying on a flight and not having control over this – which was a real fear for her.  This had been heightened since having her son, as she needed to ‘stay alive’ for his well being. This fear of flying proved itself to be the real reason behind much of her anxiety – at least during her session. 

To explain, a client might be fed up with having to deal with (say) stomach issues they face constantly.  So they think their focus should be on digestion!  However, your subconscious really knows why and what is going on and it may be that a level of anxiety is the CAUSE behind your stomach troubles and that ANXIETY is the priority to work on and change, which then has a flow on effect to improving digestion and other stomach issues. This is confirmed by the use of Kinesiology (muscle testing for monitoring the subconscious neurological responses of the body).  This then, became the focus of the session!

While this client had a real fear of flying, which was no longer an issues, but she discovered much to her amazement afterwards, she suddenly had an abundance of energy and started not only sleeping really well (instead of disturbed sleep due to worrying about everything), but performing at her work so much better than she could have imagined prior to her session.

Not everyone gets the immediate results after only one session, but I have seen similar results with quite a few clients now who had either a fear of flying OR anxiety.  What makes perfect sense, is their recovery of unbelievable reserves of energy that they previously didn’t realise they were lacking, (being used to managing without).  Anyone who suffers with anxiety or inexplicable fears, are so busy SUPPRESSING those anxieties and fears just to get by, they use up enormous amounts of energy in the process.  Finding and diffusing the root of those fears, releases energy that the body and brain power can now use more appropriately in support of life and living.

Indeed, her words to me when she came back to see me a few weeks later = “Wow, Wow and Wow!  I can’t believe how amazing this has been.  I have no anxiety and SO much energy it’s unbelievable!  I have my life back – it’s amazing, it truly is”.  She had a lot more to say, as you can imagine, as she found all her great organisation skills and therefore her preparedness were able to come to the fore again, not to mention no more lack of sleep.

So if you suffer from low energy or fatigue, you DO NOT have to put up with this, or use drugs to cope with it anymore.  You can change this and sometimes with only a few sessions – a simple method, painless and often permanent.  You have nothing to lose and a whole LIFE to gain!

So contact us via Brilliant Living Solutions to make an appointment, we'll make sure we see you quickly

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